The Internet, And The Future Of Bumper Stickers
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The Internet, And The Future Of Bumper Stickers

Oh where, oh where have the corporate bumper stickers gone? It used to be that in the good old days of marketing, not so very long ago, businesses could simply go to any trade show and hand out bumper stickers with their name and corporate logo on them, and that would be about it for any outbound marketing effort. Add on some type of…

Boost Your Holiday Traffic With These 4 Online Marketing Tips
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Boost Your Holiday Traffic With These 4 Online Marketing Tips

We are getting ready to turn the page on the calendar and it’s hard to believe that we are in our final month of 2014. It’s been a great year for us here at Search Engine Pros, and we hope that your year was equally as rewarding. As we take the time to prepare for 2015, we’d like to wish you and your family…

Get Your Online Marketing Plan Ready For The Holidays
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Get Your Online Marketing Plan Ready For The Holidays

Can you believe it? The holiday season is here, though it seems like 2014 just started. From the team here at Search Engine Pros, we’d like to take a moment to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and a prosperous and safe holiday season. For the companies out there, you likely know that it’s time that you start planning for holiday marketing. With an economy that…

Why Your Website Strategy Doesn’t Get Any Roi

Why Your Website Strategy Doesn’t Get any ROI

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” – John Wanamaker Let’s face it – you’re still not happy with the results your website is generating for you. You’ve changed designs, updated copy, and added new photos, but it still doesn’t seem to be gaining any traction. At Search Engine Pros we offer personal and ethical…

Search Engine Pros To Exhibit / Speak At Women’s Festivals
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Search Engine Pros to Exhibit / Speak at Women’s Festivals

Santa Barbara, CA – March 6th, 2014: Search Engine Pros, Santa Barbara web marketing firm, will be an exhibitor this year at Women’s Festivals 2014. Taylor Reaume, founder of the online marketing agency, will join an all-star roster of speakers at the Festival which will be held on March 7th and 8th at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real in Santa Barbara, CA. Each year…

Top Ten Ways To Increase Your Customer Base In 2014
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Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Customer Base in 2014

Dear Friends, Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope 2013 has been a great year for you and that everyone continues to realize the benefits of SEO and social media marketing in 2014. Many of our clients have benefitted from having an online marketing plan. If you’re not marketing online you’re missing out on one of the most effective ways of attracting customers and closing…

Lunch & Learn E-marketing Every Friday

Lunch & Learn e-Marketing Every Friday

SUMMARY: Business owners in Santa Barbara now have an opportunity to learn how to market their businesses every Friday in downtown Santa Barbara. SANTA BARBARA, CA – September 26th, 2013 – Business owners in Santa Barbara now have an opportunity to learn how to market their businesses online every Friday at lunch. Lunch and Learn e-Marketing is a web marketing seminar presented by Taylor…

Restaurant Marketing In 2013: Why Storytelling Matters
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Restaurant Marketing in 2013: Why Storytelling Matters

Restaurant marketing consultants everywhere are talking about the power of social media and local SEO.  But very few restaurant marketing consultants are talking about the power of storytelling. There are some very empty restaurants out there serving good food. There are also some very crowded restaurants serving OK food. Why are some restaurants busier than others? Did they hire a restaurant marketing company?  What’s their secret…

Are You Wooing Your Customers This Valentine’s Day?
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Are You Wooing Your Customers this Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is one of our favorite holidays at The Search Engine Pros. V-Day presents a unique opportunity for businesses to get creative with their email and social media promotions. Small efforts can pay off big If you don’t have the time for a full scale digital marketing campaign, the simplest thing you can do is update your Facebook and Twitter status, and wish…

Increase Web Site Traffic, Seven New Ways


Increase web site traffic with seven innovative new search engine marketing techniques! Join us for an hour filled with interesting conversations about online business. Each week we discuss 7 new ways to increase web site traffic. With over 81% of consumers making purchase decisions online, web sites are no longer optional. If you have a good product or service, then driving traffic to your…