Get Your Online Marketing Plan Ready For The Holidays
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Get Your Online Marketing Plan Ready For The Holidays

Can you believe it? The holiday season is here, though it seems like 2014 just started. From the team here at Search Engine Pros, we’d like to take a moment to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and a prosperous and safe holiday season. For the companies out there, you likely know that it’s time that you start planning for holiday marketing. With an economy that…

Restaurant Marketing In 2013: Why Storytelling Matters
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Restaurant Marketing in 2013: Why Storytelling Matters

Restaurant marketing consultants everywhere are talking about the power of social media and local SEO.  But very few restaurant marketing consultants are talking about the power of storytelling. There are some very empty restaurants out there serving good food. There are also some very crowded restaurants serving OK food. Why are some restaurants busier than others? Did they hire a restaurant marketing company?  What’s their secret…