Mobile Innovations For Google Ads
Google, leading the way yet again in technological innovation, continues to focus on making more concepts mobile friendly to gain a foothold on the consumer power present behind mobile applications and purchasing.
After all, what better way to welcome Spring other than learning of a new and cool list of mobile marketing opportunities from the edgy company?
It’s nice to welcome the warm weather and outdoor activities with the knowledge that some neat new mobile features are coming to our fingertips courtesy of Google.
It’s mobile-first these past few years for the company, but Google’s innovative ability to adapt its features to be mobile friendly help give it an edge over others, who often lag behind the mobile changes introduced by Google.
So, what can we expect this year?
Below are some of new changes, and what to expect.
Ads on Google Maps
Following is a list that covers the latest and greatest features coming to Google. So, you’ll be educated and prepared when Ads starts shifting, and ready to pounce on the marketing opportunity.
Doubling Headlines for Better Vision
If you are wondering, “Why Google Maps for more ads?” you are probably not alone. The answer comes from the sheer volume of users—more than a billion.
Within Google, searching for a location makes up about 33% of all the searches present on mobile devices. So Google will be using the location of the user to advertise about businesses that are near the customer while the customer searches for a destination and uses the map.
The desire was to pull the appearance of Google together on all devices, rather than having anything seem broken up or offset. The text ads are now the next things set to evolve.
Headlines will increase to two 30 character headlines, replacing the current 25 character one headline version. Even better for advertisers using Google, Google found that this headline length brought up CTR by nearly a quarter.
There’s going to be an increase in the characters present in the description line as well. Right now, Google Ads offers two 35-character description lines, which will increase to one 80-character line.
While five characters might not seem like much, the ads are certainly going to be bigger and more noticeable, which seems to promise much more clicks than the current version of Google Ads
Monitoring In-Store Connections
Ads brings the capability to measure the conversion from the customer that clicked on your ad in the mobile world to the person physically walking into your store. This prospect, although not completely new, will allow business owners to see how many people searched for your store, clicked on your ad, and then came to your store. While the feature exists, it is not standard, and Google plans to focus on making this capability general to all types of businesses.
Responsive Display Ads
If you are tired of making different ads for all the different formats in existence, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Google will allow you to create an ad that will adapt to the best format for you, depending on where it is being served. From there, all you will need to do is type in a URL, headline, description, and image, and Google will make that ad for you. So, you can kiss your ad headaches goodbye.
Device Bidding Updates
Google-Centered Innovations
Google is one innovative company, and who can blame them? Their focus on mobile enhancement provides benefits for customers and advertisers alike, and many people are looking forward to the change.
As more people become more reliant on their mobile phones, the shift to mobile-centered features promises Google many happy and grateful consumers and advertisers.