Google Local Services Ads: 7 Tips &  3 Mistakes

Google Local Services Ads: 7 Tips & 3 Mistakes

Google Local Service ads empower small businesses to advertise on Google and receive leads directly from potential customers. Google Local Service ads appear on the top of the SERP’s – or search engine results page – when people search for services within your area. By interacting with the ads, they will be able to see a list of all of the participating local services…

Improve Your Website Traffic With Schema Markup

Improve Your Website Traffic With Schema Markup

Schema markup and Structured data are an SEO tool that can help improve the click through rate of your website on the search engine results page (SERP). While schema and structured data are not required they are highly recommended by all major search engines to help them pull the best data from your website in a way that makes it easy for users to…

Tap Into Fan Power With New Youtube Select Sponsorships

Tap Into Fan Power With New YouTube Select Sponsorships

From record-breaking music video releases to never-before-seen conversations with celebrities, YouTube has become the virtual stage for the world’s biggest cultural moments. The top 10 videos from 2020 — reaching a total of 356 million collective views — brought the world together to game, to laugh, to share some good news and so much more.  As home to the content people need and the creators they love, YouTube is where…

25 Advanced Search Engines (other Than Google)

25 Advanced Search Engines (Other Than Google)

It may come as a shock to learn that Google is not the end-all be-all search engine. There are many search engines out there, much more than the 25 included in this list. Learning how Google stores and utilizes the information you search for may lead to seeking out a different, more private search engine. Which search engine is right for you? It depends…

Google Ads Experiments: 7 Pro Tips
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Google Ads Experiments: 7 PRO TIPS

With Google’s own estimate that companies receive $2.00 in revenue for every $1.00 spent on Google Ads, it’s easy to see why so many companies rely upon Google Ads to generate leads and opportunities. Google ads appear any time someone goes online. With today’s estimates that there are over 15 billion mobile phones, this means your ads can reach anyone, anywhere. However, it’s not just about…

How To Increase Youtube Views
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How To Increase YouTube Views

YouTube is inarguably the biggest platform for video creators to potentially reach millions of people around the globe. The problem many creators face is how to get those views.  If you’re a marketer or content developer looking to boost your YouTube views for free, the process can take time and effort. But if done correctly, you’ll be rewarded with more views, a better user…

How To Capture Emails From Restaurant Customers

How To Capture Emails From Restaurant Customers

You know you need to market your restaurant. After more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, your restaurant likely struggling to stay in business. Sometimes a bit of humor helps in times like these. Across the country, businesses closed temporarily. Now, as the country re-opens, you probably want to leverage every available marketing technology and strategy to herd as many customers as the law will…

Google Ads: Automatic Bidding Vs. Manual Bidding
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Google Ads: Automatic Bidding vs. Manual Bidding

For many companies, Google Ads is an easy and effective way to promote their products and brand. Google Ads levels the playing field for smaller companies by enabling them to advertise without laying out large sums of capital. Recently, Google has gone even further by offering the option of allowing artificial intelligence (AI) to run pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. This is a risky gambit for many companies….

Tap Into Fan Power With New Youtube Select Sponsorships

Better Conversion Measurement For Video Ads On YouTube And Our Network

From sparking an idea to helping people make that final decision, online video plays an important role in helping consumers make purchases. In fact, 70 percent of people say they bought a brand as a result of seeing it on YouTube. For advertisers, measuring video campaigns and conversions accurately has never been more important—or more complex—given all the different paths the consumer journey can take.  That’s why we’ve…