Search Engine Keywords: The #1 Keyword Research Mistake

Search Engine Keywords: the #1 Keyword Research Mistake

Learn how to choose Search Engine Keywords! This Weeks Discussion Points: #1 Biggest Mistake In Keyword Research #2 Biggest Mistake In Keyword Research #3 Biggest Mistake In Keyword Research Tune in tonight at 7pm, we look forward to seeing you on the call. Happening Tonight @ 7pm On Your PhoneVisit The Search Engine Pro’s Blog for details on tonight’s discussion points. If you are free on…

Building A Web Site Around Keyword Themes

Building A Web Site Around Keyword Themes

Traditionally, search engine optimization is often approached as a post production task, taking the existing code of a website and optimizing the structure to increase rankings. Often times the work is outsourced or handled by a separate web team that doesn’t have a working relationship with the web development team. However, savvy webmasters and successful SEOs understand that a websites architecture and overall linking…